Thursday, August 12, 2010

Holy crap I have a Blog

Holy Shit I have a blog.

I'm not gonna lie...I forgot all about this for like....well. Yeah.

*scratches her head*

Real life stuff? I think I've been dedicating the good majority of my life to it lately. Which sucks. Cause I really don't want to be. I've been back on LiL a little bit lately, but never really got back to the extent that I really wanted to. I blame the summer- I've been working 2 jobs, again, and have been dedicating a *lot* of my time to researching stuff for my Capstone paper- in which I'm comparing a Progressive club from 1920's Milwaukee to a Student Organization promoting Gay Rights in 1970's Milwaukee- the latter half of which is pretty darned interesting. The first Lets just say I've learned far too much about what was "Progressive" in 1920's Wisconsin.

Beyond that? Oh hey. I'm out of the closet! :D Like, seriously. Out of it. Like I took the door, kicked it open, stepped out, turned around, then burned it kinda thing. As some of you (implying that anyone'll actually read this) already know, I first told my rl best friend, and his gf, then gravitated out among some of my other friends, and....mmm. Just after the end of school, I went home for a few weeks, which was nice and stuff, cause I got a chance to spend a little time with the family, and...throughout my stay, I had been reading a book called "The Meaning of Matthew," a biography of Matthew Shepherd, the 21-year-old gay kid that was murdered by bigots in Wyoming about 10 years ago, and it's told by his mother. I guess the part when she wrote that it never even really mattered to her what her son was, as long as he was happy and successful...and maybe all the other parts about her having to deal with *little* secrets that her son had after he died, made me think. I'd never want to put my family through having to learn that I'm gay/tg after something bad or tragic has happened...that'd really be too much. And then I just...dunno. Kinda whispered it outside. She didn't even cringe! She told my dad after I moved into my new Cat's out of the bag. (Just ask ReyRey.)

SPEAKING of ReyRey...yeah. *I totally met her.* She's one of the coolest girls ever, and is also one of the nicest, cutest, and deserves to be one of the happiest ones too. I just visited her this week for a while, and...yah. Without detailing too much, I'll just say that all my imaginings of being dressed up in public, all decked out en-femme....totally not even close to how cool it is IRL. Just....dunno. It's one of the greatest feelings ever. Driving back from her place? Car broke down a quarter dozen times and the day was 90 degrees+, and just general suckage happened, but. Totally worth it.

haha. I'm so happy I remembered I had this. However, I'm being drafted into watching "Avatar" by one of my friends (yes...the silly kids cartoon from Nickelodeon. My friends might make it beyond grade school one day) so I'm afraid I have to go. But I'll be back.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Shopping and whining

Okay. So, recently, I have received a fair amount of money that was left over from a college loan (BEST way to start an excuse)- actually, enough to cover rent and bills for the next 3-4 months. Which, to be honest, is a gigantic relief. I was struggling there for a while, and while I was (somehow) making ends meet, I had a feeling that it wasn't going to last for terribly much longer.

However, this puts me in a position I've never been in before- I just got 2 paychecks last week, I don't need to go grocery shopping, the bills aren't coming for another 2 weeks, and BOOM! I've got 120 bucks I'm feeling okay about parting with. So. What shaalllll I go shopping for, Mmm?

I've been looking online at clothes all day (probably not the best expenditure of time, as I have 2 projects due later this week), but I think I've found a few things that are going to be up on the list already :P


I've been gawking over so many of these since I was a kid, and dammit. I'm going to buy some. I may not look the best in them, but hey. They're less than 40 bucks, and I should reallllly get the fixation thing dealt with. Or at least feed it a little.

Autumn is certainly in the air here in Wisconsin. It's halfway a sad time for me- the winters here are terribly cold, and I really rather enjoy summer more. More time to spend in bikinis. But it's definitely fall- classes are in full swing right now. I have 3 projects due later this week- one of them is done, another half-done, and the last has yet to be started. The joys of collegedom are infinite, let me tell you. I may yet break my LiL-posting drought tonight, as I don't have terrible much to do after I finish this, but I doubt it'll be for very long. I love roleplaying there, and the fact that I haven't gotten to in almost 3 weeks says something bad. My classes are rough this semester. :( Not much else to expect, I guess, seeing as I am closing in on my graduation in 3 semesters, but geez. I really don't want to do all this work.


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Perhaps a bad idea to start with

Actually, I know it's a bad idea to start with this. But to be fair, this has been driving me up a wall for the past month and a half, and I don't really want to put Lynn through another venting session, so here goes.

This video is of a 9/12 "tea party," in Washington D.C.- "Tea Party" is a term that has been given to the conservative protests of literally everything President Barack Hussein Obama has done since being elected to that office 7 months ago- well. Okay. Some of the more reasonable among them (*shivers*) say they're protesting Obama's massive government spending, and that they're simply trying to save their children and grandchildren from paying massive debts off for this generation.

These people pretend to know what they're talking about, throwing around big terms like "socialism," and "final solution,"whenever they talk about him, without even realizing what they're actually saying. Comparing The Final Solution to Public Health Care is, literally, comparing a plot to exterminate an entire religion from the face of the planet to an attempt to bring care to those who need it the most- those that can't afford it. This is a push by the Christian and Radical right in the United States to show that despite all of their political losses, they can still make a difference in the country- by any means necessary. Like, showing up to Presidential appearances with automatic weapons and signs that read "It's time to water the tree of Liberty," a reference to a 250 year old quote from the American War of Independence- "The Tree of Liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."

What is happening? I can understand people calling Obama "Hitler," (simply because it's in vogue right now. What??? HE WANTS TO LET GAYS IN THE ARMY? THATS WHAT HITLER DID WITH THE CONCENTRATION CAMPS!!! HE'S JUST LIKE HITLER!!!!)- but threatening to end his life over his idea that all humans should at least be treated with humanity when they need medical help, and not charged more than most people can make in a year? I don't understand why violence is so close to the surface here. How many European countries almost broke out into civil war over Health Insurance? Strike that, how many of them even had a person bring a gun to an event where the leader of the country was speaking, with the expressed wish of harming him/her?

Sure, I'm a liberal. But does one really have to be a liberal to see how FUCKING ridiculous that is? "He's already destroyed like, half the country. He has to be stopped. That's just scary!" How can anyone over the age of 2 actually believe that complete and utter bullshit! Almost NOTHING has changed from the Bush presidency as far as domestic policy, and yet these people are threatening to shoot him and comparing the man to a genocidal dictator bent on world domination.

All this is making me even more happy that we elected him, however. The fact that a man as moderate and cool-handed as Obama can make those on the right this scared shows how stupid and dead that part of the spectrum has become in this country. When people questioned about their reasons for hating him haven't the slightest clue on how to answer (see the video)- it's a sign that your argument- indeed, you're entire point of view is built upon a steaming pile of bullshit.

The man has Closed Guantanamo Bay- a symbol of almost every failure of conscience and morality that this country has embodies over the past decade. For this, he is a traitor. He has suggested starting rehabilitation and support programs for sexually-abused elementary school children. For this, he is a pervert that supports child abuse and pornography. He has pushed bills through congress that have saved our country jobs and perhaps even avoided one of the largest economic disasters in generations. For this, he is a pork-spending, debt inducing elitist, socialist-liberal bent on spending our country into the ground.

Without speaking too boldly, I hope, I feel safe in saying that already, in only 7 months of being the president, Barack Hussein Obama has done more for this country's future and invested more in our humanity than former President George W. Bush did in his entire 2 terms of office, and I sincerely hope beyond hope that these crazies never, ever get their way as far as watering that fucking tree. Why is it that they seem to care more about watering that damned thing than helping their fellow humans?


Monday, September 14, 2009

First Blog?...

Well. This is a new blog. Look at it, all the blank space. Hmmmm. I've never really been a fan of blank spaces. So Imma going to fill this one up.

So. Hi, I'm Amber- Not really, my name isn't really Amber, as most of you probably know. But I'm Amber. This blog is primarily going to be about sexuality- being both bisexual and transgendered, and the RIDICULOUSNESS of trying to describe that to others in this beautiful little society of ours. I'll probably venture into other areas, like Politics from my own, probably very liberal point of view, School (I also happen to be a senior studying History and English Literature at a college in the Midwestern United States. Hooray, cooooorn, cows, conservatives.), and even the tumults of being raised in a Catholic conservative household. No getting around that, I'm afraid. If this doesn't sound like your cup of tea, then stop reading right now- treading further into this maelstrom of thrashing gender, politics, and sexuality might just make you shiver with fear, or maybe even make you a little more edgy to get off your rump and find out what gender really is for yourself.

I also maintain a blog-ish thing at the following URL- Some of the content there I will undoubtedly draw on as I attempt to venture out further into the world, bit by bit. And I will undoubtedly descend into a few rants about how absolutely amazing that website (and the people that frequent it) are- if you are even remotely interested in the slightly (Okay, very) kinky practices promoted, I suggest visiting it.

I feel like I could start right now, but I sadly have not yet completed the schoolwork so generously assigned to me by my various schooltime endeavors. that. Until next time, here's a picture of something ridiculously adorable.

P.S.- I might also add- I usually am not this well spoken. This blog may devolve into a few random girly explosions of hugs and clothing banter- and maybe even a few attempts to get one friend of mine in particular to blush. She's even cuter when she blushes.